Players of a Paraguayan club have accused their former president of sexual abuse, according to reports. At least two players have accused the former boss of a fourth division club Rubio Nu Club, Antonio Gonzalez of abusing them.

The allegations received traction following the release of an intimate photo of the former president and a player. There are reports that a prosecutor has taken up the case and is currently carrying out investigations. The prosecutor Teresa Martinez ordered officials to search the club premises and pornographic material was found.
The intimate photo was posted anonymously on Facebook, and distracted the national press from the paraguay national team results & fixtures for a small thime. The photo shows Gonzalez lying next to a 26-year old footballer Bernardo Gabriel Caballero. Then Mr. Gonzalez revealed that he had a two year relationship with the player he was pictured with. It is believed that Mr. Gonzalez was not happy that Caballero wanted to leave him for another man so he tore up his contract and told him to forget playing. Caballero has since said the relationship was not consensual as he was forced into it otherwise he would not be allowed to play for the club.
“I know there were other players who had relations with him. It was normal and I have proof that other lads went through the same thing,” Caballero said.
A second player Fermin Morinigo also went to the authorities to allege he was also abused by Mr. Gonzalez. Morinigo said the boss also threatened to harm his family if he told anyone about the whole thing. There are also allegations of physical abuse.
The football association, probably trying to distance themselves from the fast growing public scandal, said Mr. Gonzalez was no longer the club’s president having handed over to his nephew following a disagreement with the authorities. However, the video Mr. Gonzalez recorded had Rubio Nu banners in the background.